Social & Recreational Activities

We make it a priority to keep residents engaged, interested, and active to the fullest extent possible. Short-term and long-term residents alike enjoy a full complement of social and recreational activities designed to keep hands nimble, bodies moving, minds active and spirits up. These include:

  • Exercise and fitness activities
  • Educational and cultural programming
  • Professional entertainment
  • Community trips
  • Social gatherings
  • Recreational activities
  • Arts and crafts
  • Study groups
  • Games and contests
  • Intergenerational activities
  • Pet visits

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Are you interested in Waterford Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for yourself or someone you love? A member of our team will be happy to answer your questions and schedule an on-site tour. Of course, you can also call us anytime.


Waterford Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
8333 West Okeechobee Road
Hialeah FL 33016
(305) 556-9900
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